pong Rules

Time Limit

There is no time limit on games. If a game takes too long, a CityRec official can initiate a 5 minute time limit.

After 5 minutes, the team that has made the most cups will be declared the winner. If both teams are tied after 5 minutes, there will be a one shot per team tie breaker that will repeat until we have a winner.


Each pong team will consist of 2 players.


CityRec will provide both the cups and the balls for the tournament.

Playing Area & Boundaries

The teams will be playing on tables picked by CityRec officials. Tables will be uniform throughout the tournament. Players must shoot from behind the shooting line. Any player caught shooting on or in front of the line will result in a loss of their shot. At any point, the shooting team can request cups be tightened or centered.

Beginning the Game

The team winning the coin flip or rock, paper, scissors will shoot first.


Each team will start with the classic 10 cup triangle formation. If players from the same team make a cup in the same turn, they get balls back. Once a cup is made, it is pulled immediately. There will be automatic re-racks only when the cup count goes down to 6, 4, and 3 even if mid-turn. It is the responsibility of the shooting team to call a re-rack. Re-racks need to be towards the back of the table and centered. Fingering or blowing a ball out of a cup is not allowed. If at any point a player knocks over one of their own cups, that team removes that cup from play. If a ball is bounced into a cup, it counts as 2 cups, and the defending team chooses the 2nd cup they pull. Once a ball is bounced, the defending team is allowed to swat the ball away. No distractions over the table. There are no rodeo or rebound shots.

Rebuttal & Overtime

Once a team makes all their cups, the opposing players each have a chance to shoot until they miss. If a team makes their remaining cups during the rebuttal period, the game will go into overtime. Overtime consists of a rack of 3 cups for each team. The team that made all their cups first in the original game shoots first. Re-rack and rebuttal rules are still in effect for overtime.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Rules will be enforced primarily by the honor system. While Pong can get competitive, Players must keep in mind that everyone is there to have a good time. Players that demean or curse at other players or officials will be disqualified from the tournament. All disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the CityRec officials.


​CityRec reserves the right to change any rules at any time. At no time will CityRec allow beer to be used in the Pong Cups. While we encourage players to enjoy themselves, we do not require any player to drink beer or alcohol at any point during the tournament.