Dodgeball Rules
Time Limit
All games must start on time, no exceptions. All dodgeball matches will be best of seven games. All games have a five minute time limit. After five minutes, if the game has not concluded, the team with the most number of players remaining gets the win. Same number on both sides equals a tie. The team with the most wins when time expires receives the victory.
The maximum numbers of players on the court is eight (five men, three women); minimum number of players is six (four men, two women). There are no limits to the number of females allowed on the court at one time. There cannot be more than five men on the court under any circumstance. Players that arrive late must wait until the next game begins to enter. Substitutions can only be made after the completion of a game. In case of injury, that player is simply out for the remainder of the game, and a substitution can be made for the following game.
The official ball of CityRec is a 7” rubber-coated foam dodgeball between 115 - 160 grams in weight. CityRec t-shirts are your team’s uniforms. All players must wear the appropriate color uniform with the current CityRec front logo to participate. Past season’s uniforms are not permitted, even if they are the correct color. Any player not wearing the appropriate uniform will be sidelined for that game.
Playing Area & Boundaries
The playing area is a volleyball court, marked with sidelines, end-lines, and a center line. If a volleyball court is unavailable, any rectangular surface free from obstructions at least 60 feet long x 30 feet wide will work. During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines. A player may be tossed a stray ball from out of bounds by a sidelined teammate, provided the player receiving the ball remains completely within his/her team’s field boundaries. A stray ball is one that has not been picked up and is lying on the ground. Players that are playing in the game may not retrieve a ball that is out of bounds.
Beginning the Game
Each team begins with three 7" foam dodgeballs in their possession behind the end line. For the team nearest the entrance, one of the three balls will be a yellow (burden) ball. Players then take a position behind their end line and wait for the official’s whistle to begin play. There is no opening rush due to safety and rule discrepancies.
The team winning the coin flip or rock, paper, scissors will have the choice on what side to begin the match. Teams will alternate sides following each game. The object of the game is to eliminate all opponents by getting them out. This may be done by:
Hitting an opponent with a live thrown ball. A ball is considered live until it touches the ground, ceiling, official or other object.
Catching a live ball thrown by your opponent. To complete a catch, the catching player must have complete control of the ball and be touching the ground in bounds when the catch is made. If a player catches a ball and gets an opponent out, then an eliminated player from the catching player's team can return to the game. The first player that gets out during a game for each team is the first to come back in. If no players are out then no one can return to the game. Only players that start the game are eligible to return to play during that game.
Causing an opponent to drop a held ball as a result of contact by a thrown live ball. If you block a live thrown ball, but the ball still hits your body before it hits the ground, you are out.
An opponent stepping out of bounds or across the center line.
A ball hits three players before hitting the ground. All three players are out.
A ball hits three players, but a player catches the thrown ball before it hits the ground. The three players are not out. The person who threw the ball is out.
A ball is deflected from a blocking ball and caught before it hits the ground. The player who threw the ball is out.
A ball is blocked by a player, but then the ball hits his leg before touching the ground. The player is out.
A catch that is made as the catching player is struck by another live ball is a valid catch, and the thrower is out. The catching player is still out by contact from the other ball.
Once a player is out, they must drop any balls in hand and exit the playing court. If an out player intentionally contacts a live ball before exiting the playing field, he/she will sit out the next game.
Time Rule: If play stalls, the official will initiate a five-second countdown. The team with the most balls must throw a ball within the five-second countdown. If both teams have the same amount of balls then the team with the yellow (burden) ball must throw at least one ball by the end of the five-second countdown. If a player or players do not throw a ball within the five seconds, then all balls in the offending team’s possession are forfeited to the other team.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Rules will be enforced primarily by the honor system. Players will be expected to rule whether or not a hit was legal or whether they were legally eliminated. Penalties are enforced to protect players and the integrity of games. The following penalties will be enforced:
Unnecessary Roughness will not be tolerated. Headshots are legal, but headshots intentionally thrown into the face of a female player will result in the immediate out of the throwing player. A player committing unnecessary roughness will not be eligible to play in the next game, and a second offense by a player will result in the player’s suspension for the rest of the night and all games the next league night.
Suicide plays where a player jumps over the center line to throw a ball are not allowed. A suicide play will result in an immediate out of the player and no results of the play can benefit the player’s team. A person committing a suicide play will not be eligible to play in the next game, and a second suicide play by a player will result in the player’s suspension for the rest of the night and also all games the next league night.
Crumpling, pinching, or kicking of balls is not allowed. A firm grip that results in a slight depression in the ball is allowed. Players that crumple, pinch, or kick balls will be ruled out. A second infraction of this rule will result in the player’s suspension for the rest of the night and repeated infractions may result in the suspension of the player from the league.
Players that curse at or demean other players and officials in a derogatory or manner will be called out and will not be eligible to play in the next game. A second incident will result in the player’s suspension and removal for the rest of the night, and also all games the next league night.
Interfering with play after eliminated is not allowed. A player who has been called out must leave the court immediately, and not intentionally interfere with ongoing play. This includes blocking balls, diverting balls, kicking balls, and approaching opponents. If a player intentionally interferes with play, then all balls on that player's side will be forfeited to the other team, and the player will not be eligible to play in the next game. A second infraction will result in the player's suspension for the rest of the night, and also all games the next league night.
Abuse of the honor system. If a player repeatedly does not go out when hit they will not be eligible to play in the next game, and a second incident will result in the player's suspension for the rest of the night, and also games the next league night.